
Thursday, 23 November 2017

Horizon of expansion

Image Source @Malay Mondal

My thoughts have no legs,
No wheels or wings
But flying in imagination,
My world is not an ordinary
Which could be polished.
It is special, attention seeker.
It's a horse in vision
Representing my objects
To spread my thoughts
To polish my world.
I have to cross
Over the limitations
Where the distance and height
Overlap each other
To make horizon of expansion.

Dr. Ashutosh

Monday, 20 November 2017

Thanks to Almighty

Pic Credit: Google

I want to create
An aura of my poetic soul
And pay thanks to almighty
That my words are tingling
Like a sensation.
The words never allow to sit
In the corridor of
Juvenile thoughts.
Its provoke to be mature,
To make scream awakening,
To break all the barriers.
Its tell us
How to bridge the gap
Between love to love.
Love, that seeks attention,
Love, that has enormous bonds.
I confined myself 
To create the aura of words.
Though I know that
I'm not an angel
Not a messenger of God
To spread the holy thinking.

Dr. Ashutosh

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

She is my lord

Pic Courtesy: +Lawyer Jagdish B. Joshi 

Holding the hand
I'm leading the way
My every steps are 
Her blessings only.
I have no worry inside me
But a belief 
To make myself genuine
With her stance
What she looks
Perfect in me.
I'm her creation
She is my observer too
I'd love to destruct evil
To turn into good
She is the best in me
I'm her son
But she is my lord.

Dr. Ashutosh

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Christmas in my view

When X-mas tree shed 
The blessings of
Fortune, love, wealth
Along with health
I keep my pray on
To save the mankind
being a healer.
I follow the teaching 
To spread smile
On needy faces.
I want to nail
The thoughts of goodwill
On the wall of horizons
To pay the gratitude
To almighty
For my meaningful journey
Why I sent here.
Christmas is not only a festival
But a way to purify
Our inner soul.

@Dr. Ashutosh
14 Nov. 2017

Having mother's heart.

I'm painful
But it's not for mine
Feeling sorrow 
For my young ones
Who are still
Waiting for me.

I'm flapping my wings
But in vain
Unable to go there 
To feed them
Only ruffling my feather.

But still 
I'm satisfied
That I didn't hover over
The young ones
To dives out of the nest
To lodge on a high crag.
They are four weeks old
And can flutter out
From their nest
Urged along by my call.

Dr. Ashutosh

Sunday, 12 November 2017

The eight pieces of Two stale chapatis

Pic Credit: Google

The boy
Sitting on 
A red-green 
Painted pavement
Of a roadside
Looking his plate
Which is garnished
By two stale chapatis
Few pinches salt.
He poured some water
On salt
And left some in vessel
To swallow
The eight pieces of
Two stale chapatis.

Dr. Ashutosh

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Can a poor boy redeem this one?

Google Pic

A boy grabbed a
Gift voucher of
Two thousand rupees
In his fist
Is looking 
Glad genuinely 
He didn't know
So far
How to redeem it!

Dr. ashutosh

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Worries of a father

Pic Credit: Google

How can a father of 
Two young daughters sleep

At nights
When they both are touching
A standard line of marriage time.
Two worries are here
To make an endless line 
On his forehead
First to keep them virgin
And second of dowry.
Heart never allows to him
To think about those
But the mind never allows
To stop thinking.

Dr. Ashutosh

Friday, 3 November 2017

On a silent sea-shore

PC: @Paul NIL

The long sky scrapper trees

Are the widening of the limits,
A beautiful creation of God
And a deep imagination of my cerebrum.
Two little innocent children
Are hugging each other
Whole universe showering the love
As a vast blue sky.
I'm on a still boat of dense thought
To be the evident of moment
On a silent sea-shore.

Dr. ashutosh

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Being a healer or friend

Google Pic

If love is a contagious disease 
Then I would love to spread it 
Among the needy one 
Being a healer or friend. 

 The hands raised to grab 
The eyes looked to hope 
The feet stepped to beg 
The tongue secrated to liquid 
The skin hoped to shed 
Yes I want to be there 
Being a healer or friend. 

 They never know 
The melody of Krishna's flute 
But the rhythm of vocal beauty 
As a feriwala or street vendor. 
They live in days and nights 
Not in the ages. 
Yes I want to feel the mirage 
Being a healer or friend. 

 They have no candle and diya to lit 
But I've compassion to share. 
They have no color to play 
But I've a hope for them to gear 
They have nothing to feel 
But I'm desperate to spread love 
Being a healer or friend.